9 tips for travelling around Konstanz and Kreuzlingen ->

Bus, train or boat? 9 tips for travelling around Konstanz (and Kreuzlingen) You can get almost anywhere in Konstanz by bike – which is why it is the top mode of transportation for many students in this scenic city on Lake Constance. But there are also other ways of getting around – and Simone is…

University of Teacher Education Thurgau (PHTG) ->

University of Teacher Education Thurgau (PHTG) The University of Teacher Education Thurgau (PHTG) offers scientifically sound, practice -based pre-service and in-service teacher training for teachers at all levels of compulsory education as well as for upper secondary level education. It also offers training for experts in the area of Early Childhood. As the only institution…

HTWG Konstanz – University of Applied Sciences ->

HTWG Konstanz Informal, practical, interdisciplinary: Studying at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz The University of Applied Sciences (“HTWG Konstanz” in German) is the place to go for a degree in the areas of technology, business and design. Enjoy the informal academic atmosphere while getting the professional qualifications and interpersonal skills you need to jump…

University of Konstanz ->

University of Konstanz Fantastic perspectives for students – meet the University of Konstanz Our university has a great reputation, both in Germany and worldwide, and we are one of Germany’s eleven Universities of Excellence – and have been since 2007. With 11,300 students and 210 professors, we are among the medium-sized universities in Germany. On…